Friday, February 10

Online Registration for MALT Now Available!

You can now register for your favorite MALT classes online, via the web. In true non-profit style, we are using PayPal -- it helps us keep costs down. There are a couple of places in the process where you may find using PayPal is not quite as easy as other methods.

There are a few items that require explanation:

First, once you click the "View Classes" button on the main page you will be shifted to the appropriate page. After you find a class you want, you will be asked to create an account. Follow the easy instructions. Do not try to log on until you have clicked on a class you want -- it won't work otherwise.

Second, if your email address is on file with the MALT office already, you will receive an error message that reads "this account is already being used." To overcome this, you can log onto your current account by using this default password: your first and last initials, plus your zip code. For instance if Sam Ford who lives in Mt. Airy needed to use his default password, it would be SF19119. Mary Chance Lee in Chestnut Hill would be ML19118.

You may also experience problems with the pay screen. If you are using Visa or MasterCard, ignore the right side of the screen. The Visa/MasterCard button is on the left side of the screen.

You may see a pop-up that says you have a "prerequisite." This is a once-per-term (no matter how many classes you take) $5 registration fee. Your registration will not go through until you click to add this fee/class to your account.

The online registration process uses the PayPal service to complete your transaction. This does not mean you need a PayPal account; you can use an existing Visa or MasterCard. Due to this payment service, you will be re-directed at time of payment to a secure payment screen, which will ensure the safety of your credit card information.

We are thrilled to have this new option. With a bit of patience and practice, we know everyone will enjoy the ease of enrolling for MALT classes online!

Please call the MALT office (215-843-6333) Monday-Friday, 9AM-2PM, if you have any questions or need more assistance.
This article was taken from an email which I received from Jonna Naylor at the MALT office.

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