Wednesday, February 15

On-Going Projects

Rehab Saturday – Volunteers repair donated computers for give-away and provide technical support to anyone who brings in their PC for repair.

Mommie & Me – Parents and children involved in a shelter program preparing for transition to permanent housing will participate in a series of classes and then receive a computer for their new home.

Supporting Other Community Technology Centers – We are currently working with one library, two playgrounds, and one after school program. We provide computers, technical support and configuration services.

Mac Computers to Students – We still have three Apple computers left for donation to students.

NPHIN Client Setups – We have a continuing relationship with this housing program (Northwest Philadelphia Interfaith Network) and provide a home computer to each of their clients when they move into their new homes

Past Offenders Project – We provide technical support to participants in this program.

Mission Statement

The Computer Volunteer Group is a Service Learning Program. We have three priorities:

1. Maintain and support the computer lab location at Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church.

2. Provide technical support and networking assistance to community organizations in the surrounding area.

3. Refurbish computers for those in our community who could not otherwise afford one.

All three of these priorities is accomplished by volunteers who receive training and hand-on experience. In planning projects, we attempt to balance learning and service to the community.

Friday, February 10

Online Registration for MALT Now Available!

You can now register for your favorite MALT classes online, via the web. In true non-profit style, we are using PayPal -- it helps us keep costs down. There are a couple of places in the process where you may find using PayPal is not quite as easy as other methods.

There are a few items that require explanation:

First, once you click the "View Classes" button on the main page you will be shifted to the appropriate page. After you find a class you want, you will be asked to create an account. Follow the easy instructions. Do not try to log on until you have clicked on a class you want -- it won't work otherwise.

Second, if your email address is on file with the MALT office already, you will receive an error message that reads "this account is already being used." To overcome this, you can log onto your current account by using this default password: your first and last initials, plus your zip code. For instance if Sam Ford who lives in Mt. Airy needed to use his default password, it would be SF19119. Mary Chance Lee in Chestnut Hill would be ML19118.

You may also experience problems with the pay screen. If you are using Visa or MasterCard, ignore the right side of the screen. The Visa/MasterCard button is on the left side of the screen.

You may see a pop-up that says you have a "prerequisite." This is a once-per-term (no matter how many classes you take) $5 registration fee. Your registration will not go through until you click to add this fee/class to your account.

The online registration process uses the PayPal service to complete your transaction. This does not mean you need a PayPal account; you can use an existing Visa or MasterCard. Due to this payment service, you will be re-directed at time of payment to a secure payment screen, which will ensure the safety of your credit card information.

We are thrilled to have this new option. With a bit of patience and practice, we know everyone will enjoy the ease of enrolling for MALT classes online!

Please call the MALT office (215-843-6333) Monday-Friday, 9AM-2PM, if you have any questions or need more assistance.
This article was taken from an email which I received from Jonna Naylor at the MALT office.

Wednesday, February 1

Two Levels of Communication

There are two levels of communication being put in place as of this writing (2/01/06).

The Website ( should be used as our public face. The results of things which have been discussed and decided upon may appear on the website. These postings should NOT include personal addresses or other information which we would not impart to any passing stranger. The content of the website and its major purpose is to attract new membership by showing viewers various activities and opportunities within the volunteer group. We want to promote growth by exciting others about the available potential.

The blog addresses should not appear on the website.

The MCVG Blog ( is for group use. All official members will have the opportunity to post and comment upon existing entries. This venue was created to relieve the pressure of emailing the membership to keep them up to speed. Additionally, their open access offers the opportunity for members to participate in a new form of communication and to voice their opinions even when we're not in formal session (ie. weekly meetings or projects). Resolved issues and developed items which might prove to be beneficial for the general public will be mirrored to (and made to look pretty for) the website.

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